Female Goats

She may the smallest goat, but don't let that fool you! Tiny is a sweet but very sassy goat. From the way she struts across the pasture to how she will only be friends with certain goats.

Sugar is definetly a favorite of many who come by. She is very sweet and likes a good scratch on the neck! Sugar is the farm's best milker. She had three beautiful goat kids via C-section in 2020 and recovered well.
Pepper is an amazing mother and is very affectionate. She will always walk over to you in the pasture, and will nibble or lick you if you are not paying attention to her. She is currently giving us 3lbs. of milk daily.

Gwyen is sucha sweetheart who adores attention (she can sometimes give kisses). Coming from great milking lines, we are very excited to see her future!

Cleo is a diva herself; she loves to sleep on-top of a castle toy in our pasture. She's a very sweet doe who loves attention. Her favorite time of the day is always during milking, when she gets her grain.

Josie is a very sweet goat. Just liker her mom (Pepper), she craves attention and will run up to you once you enter the pasture. You can always find her hanging out with her daughter, Annie. Whenever she goes onto the milking stand for grain, she has the cutest little tail wag.

We fell in love with this beautiful girl because of her deep blue eyes. Ginger was a bottle baby when she was young and we raised her in the house. All summer long she was everyone's favorite and still loves being around people. Her grandparents have some great pedigree, so we hope she has a bright future with milk testing.

Nala was one of three babies delivered through a C-section. Even though she was the only girl of the litter, she was the biggest of her siblings. She loves to hang out with her mom (Sugar) and follows her everywhere. We are very excited to see her grow into an amazing dairy goat.

Cocoa is such a sweet girl! She has unique markings as well as great genetics. Just like her mom (Ginger), she loves hugs and neck scratches.
The Boys Club
Bucks & Wethers

Napoleon definitely lives up to his name! He is one of our breeding bucks who has produced many wonderful goat kids. Napoleon will run over to you for scratches and treats (he loves a good neck rub)!
Topaz is our second-generation breeder who we picked up as a bottle baby. He's got great pedigree and we are loving the qualities he produces in his offspring!

He may be a little timid, but Ceaser is a very nosey boy. As a wether, he lives with Napoleon and keeps him company. Both of the boys love each other and sleep next to one another everynight.