Small Pork Sampler Bundle
Try out a variety of our pastured pork meat in this bundle - from sausage to tenderloin!
You will receive:
- 1 Mild Pork Sausage Patties (1lb. per pack)
- 2 Mild Pork Sausage (1lb. per pack)
- 1 Pork Tenderloin (1-1.30 lbs.)
- 1 Mild Pork Links (4 links per pack)
- 1 Pork Picnic Ham (1.50 - 1.80 lbs.)
Pick-up from the farm is available by appointment only. After choosing the option at checkout and submitting your order, we will contact you directly. You can also get your farm-raised meat delivered straight to your door every other Thursdays (your order must be in by Tuesday of that week).