The Sheep

When Maple (one of our sheep) had a stillborn and was crying for her lamb, we learned about another lamb that was rejected by his mother. We were hoping to bring these two together, but Rambo was rejected a second time. We only planned on fostering him, but we fell in love with him. This little lamb needed a strong name because he needed fate on his side. He grew into a strong ram and started leading the herd. Even now that Rambo is a wether, the sheep and goats are much more comfortable roaming and grazing having him around. This is why he has become the mascott of the farm and is pictured in the logo.
Ewes - Female Sheep
Katahdin/Dorper Breed- came as a bottle baby and is now our biggest female sheep!

Katahdin Breed- arrived with Oreo as a bottle baby and still loves to eat - especially strawberry, banana, and kiwi peel as treats.

Katahdin Breed - August's sister; she has the prettiest looks.

Blackbelly Breed - the alpha female of the herd, but she loves affection from people.

Katahdin/Blackbelly Mix - Maple's daughter, also the only one Maple takes directions from

Blackbelly Mix - mother of Hershey. She is always such a wonderful mom to her lambs!
Rams & Wethers
(The Boys)

Blackbelly Mix (Wether) - Hershey is the first animal baby born on our farm, and he will stay here for his life.

Katahdin Breed (Ram) - this strong guy might look intimidating, but he has a sensitive, gentle side. He has proven himself as a breeder many times.

Katahdin Breed (Ram) - another bottle baby we raised in the house, also known as our 2nd generation breeder.